SearcherBA(Agricultural Chemistry)

Minori Haga


Main fields of business

Patent searches such as freedom to operate (FTO) searches, invalidity searches, prior art searches, technology trend analysis, non-patent literature searches, and IP landscape


I conduct high quality patent searches to meet client’s needs based on my extensive experience


Mar. 1991

Graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture

Apr. 1991

Joined domestic flavor and fragrance manufacturer

Aug. 1994

Joined patent search and translation specialist Patro Information K.K.

Nov. 2007

Freelance patent searcher and translator

Sep. 2015

Joined comprehensive IP service provider NGB Corporation

May 2024

Joined IP law firm Lexceed Tech

June 2024

Intellectual Property Analyst certified by Association of Intellectual Property Education (Patent)

Please feel free to contact us.
Online consultations are also
available via ZOOM or Teams.

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